Navarchos 2 Project coordinator Dr. Ioannis Constantinou was invited to present Istognosis’ fuel and operational costs saving solutions in a seminar organized by Value Creation Consulting (VCC) Ltd. The seminar was aimed at businesses that target on fuel saving and operational costs minimization as well as towards decreasing their carbon footprint within the framework of their corporate responsibility. A number of fleet-oriented businesses were invited to participate so as to be informed about recent advancements and solutions.
Dr. Constantinou focused on new technologies in fleet management systems and presented a number of ways to decrease fuel consumption that are based on three basic pillars: (a) improvement of eco-driving behavior, (b) use of routing optimization and scheduling, as well as (c) enablement of predictive maintenance tools and techniques. Finally, the relevance of the aforementioned fuel saving directives with the under development Navarchos 2 Fleet Management System was discussed.
The seminar took place in Cleopatra Hotel in Nicosia on the 6th of November 2019 from 4.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.