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Istognosis Ltd

Istognosis Ltd was established in 2010 by young, motivated and highly educated entrepreneurs with strong background in software development, image analysis, computer vision, intelligent systems and networks. Istognosis specializes mainly in three overlapping directions: (a) in the design and development of general-purpose web-based solutions, (b) in providing telematics hardware/software solutions for vehicle fleets using state-of-the-art algorithms and tools, as well as (c) in developing energy-efficient and renewable energy solutions for private and commercial buildings. Istognosis provides consulting services and supports energy efficiency and renewable energy under the brand name Save Electricity. Istognosis provides an in-house Fleet Management System under the brand name Navarchos which currently serves 22 small-scale fleets of a total of 120 commercial vehicles.

Relative Expertise / Experience

Istognosis develops, maintains and supports an in-house fleet management system called Navarchos. Navarchos provides mainly a fleet monitoring and reporting service especially developed for fleet managers involving a significant number of reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for driver activity, profile, safety driving, and eco driving. From the perspective of telematics, Istognosis was involved as a subcontractor in a research project called REDUCTION which was funded under the 7th Framework Programme Call 7 (2011-2014). More specifically Istognosis collaborated with CTL company in installing and supporting the FMS hardware, as well as in the development of eco-driving algorithm for OSEL (Transportation Organization of Nicosia District). More specifically, Istognosis was involved in the task of CAN Bus data transmission from buses to the cloud-based server and further in the definition of a novel algorithm for estimating the speed/acceleration/deacceleration thresholds for achieving an average of 12% reduction in fuel consumption.

Website: https://www.istognosis.com

Ubitech Ltd

UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government in order to allow the efficient and effective secure access and communication with various heterogeneous information resources and services, anytime and anywhere. UBITECH enables real-time valid information processing and decision-making, the realization of intelligent business environments, and B2B and B2C transactions by providing high added-value business –oriented and –based solutions. UBITECH LIMITED is the youngest member of UBITECH Group that has been established in 2005, concentrated initially in the Balkan market and acquiring several EC and national grants for novel R&D initiatives. Currently, UBITECH Group has extended its operations with targeted international activities through its subsidiaries, representation offices, business partners and affiliated companies in Limassol (UBITECH LIMITED), Madrid (Business Development Office), Buenos Aires (UBITECH SRL targeting mainly Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia) and Guayaquil (Business Partner and Representation Office for Ecuador and Panama), concentrating mainly in the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and Latin America.

Relative Expertise / Experience

Technology innovation constitutes the lifeblood of UBITECH. We are continuously seeking and validating new, emerging technologies, developing new ideas, concepts and solutions, and improving existing software applications and products for vertical markets or for addressing specific end-users' needs. UBITECH R&D team – that spans across all group’s companies, collaborating and exchanging experiences and technological know-how, reinforcing the group’s research capacity – is engaged in developing, integrating, deploying, piloting, demonstrating and evaluating innovative technologies, utilities, features and processes, transferring technological know-how to end-user organizations and adapting breakthrough solutions to end-users' demands. UBITECH R&D team participates in large, multidisciplinary consortiums in complex and highly-innovative projects, including experts from universities, research institutes and industry across the enlarged Europe, which partner to provide research, technology integration and skilled project management. UBITECH R&D team members can demonstrate strong involvement in EC and National co-funded research programmes, though the design, development and implementation of research and technological development instruments.

Based on group’s strategy for research and innovation, every group member participates actively into the research and development of cutting-edge tools and methodologies to improve the solutions and services of the group. Thus, UBITECH LIMITED (Cyprus) researchers, depending on their expertise and the local exploitation potential, perform applied research in the areas of Semantic Web, Linked Data and Open Data technologies, ontology-based applications development, software and services engineering, security, social networks and collaborative working environments, big data management, enterprise application integration, business Interoperability, dynamic data mediation, alignment and ingestion, autonomous computing, sensor networks, natural language processing, opinions and arguments modeling and extraction, sentiment analysis, RFID-based middleware technologies, Cloud computing and interoperability, and Cloud services brokerage. UBITECH has a strong a focus on the integration and interoperability of information technology solutions and applies its research results to solve problems in various application-oriented projects in the domains of Life Sciences and e-Health, Ambient Assisted and Independent Living, e-Government and Policy Modelling, Lifelong Education and Technology-enhanced Learning, e-Culture, e-Business and Networked Enterprise, Factory of the Future, Security and Environmental Management.
Infrastructure and Technical Equipment

UBITECH has deployed and maintain in its fire-protected computer room a highly-available experimental Cloud Infrastructure includes 60 cores at 2.4GHz (with virtualization capabilities), which is supported by a Network Attached Storage (NAS) infrastructure having an effective capacity of 25 Tb of data (12 disks of 3 Tb each at a RAID 6 deployment, having one as hot spare). UBITECH has already deployed a secondary NAS with effective capacity of 20 Tb of data (5 disks of 6 Tb each at a RAID 5 deployment, having also one as hot spare) that can extend (on demand) the storage capacity of the aforementioned experimental Cloud Infrastructure (to a total of 45 Tb of effective data storage). Currently, UBITECH is deploying ESXI-based Hypervisor to part of its computational resources (VMWARE-based cloud) and KVM-based Hypervisor on top Metal-As-A-Service framework (Openstack).

Website: https://www.ubitech.eu